Paint Colors

Interior Design Secrets on How to Choose the Perfect Paint Color for your Home

Have you ever walked into the paint store, approached the rainbow myriad of colors on the wall, choose what you thought was the absolute perfect color for you wall, bought 3 gallons of paint paying about $50 a gallon, hired the painter to paint your walls, and when the color went up YOU HATED IT!!! If you have ever had that happen you are NOT alone. This happens a lot! I had one woman tell me she had the painter paint 5 different paint colors in her kitchen and then she called me.Crazy Paint Chip Lady

Problems with the Wallpaper? Add Paint to it!

Have you ever had something that tore your wallpaper off in key places? You didn’t know what to do because you didn’t have any extra wallpaper to replace it with and you really didn’t want to replace the wallpaper?

This happened to a client of mine, she had hung Christmas decorations up with the removable tape that was “wallpaper safe” and when she took them down, the wallpaper came right with the tape. She was distraught about what to do so she gave me a call to come over and look at the situation to go over options…
