Design Styles

Kitchen Design Trends 2024

Kitchen design trends are constantly evolving, but there are a few popular ones that are dominating the scene right now. Here are some of the top design trends in kitchen decor:


1. Minimalist and Clean: Minimalism is in vogue, with sleek and simple designs taking center stage. Clean lines, uncluttered spaces, and minimalist color palettes create a calm and serene atmosphere in the kitchen.


ANNOUNCING The 2023 Colors of the Year and a Big Announcement from Melinda!

Every year I wait anxiously for the announcement of the Color of the Year by Pantone. Its almost as exciting to me at who wins Entertainer of the Year! Why does it matter and how do I use the information? Well, it is the main influencer of all product development in fashion and home. For me, it is a guide for all my Interior Design Consulting, product selections and purchasing decisions.

10 Reasons Why You Should Use Fine Designs for Blinds

For the life of me, I do not understand why anyone would want to order blinds over the internet! Over the last 30 years that I have been selling blinds, shades, and shutters, you would not BELIEVE all the mistakes we have made in ordering, installing, having to repair blinds that have rotted string, and remote controls which need re-programmed! It's been a painful learning experience. I learn something each and every time something doesn't go quite right! I recently just had a customer tell me they were going to order from a big box store because they could get a better price.
